- 4 June 2023
An acute case of fever in a child cured with Homeopathy in less than 24 hours
It was the first Monday morning; Avika brought her 7-year-old son Manas for acute consultation. The child was having fever of 101-degree Fahrenheit. Yesterday being Sunday, Manas was playing out in the Sun till late evening. And developed headache in the night. He came down with high fever in the early morning followed by body ache and chilliness due to which he had to take a leave at the school. It was revision times at school and missing a day for the child would mean missing many topics. Acute Homeopathic Assessment with General physical examination was done and the Acute Similimum was dispensed, in the appropriate potency, to be repeated frequently at instructed interval. I also instructed her on how to understand the action of Homeopathic medicine and what to do (take decisions) accordingly to manage the child’s treatment and visit for a follow-up in the evening.
Next day morning, while she was going to the market, she popped in to tell me, that Manas had gone to school. The fever had subsided after the first few doses, and she had stopped the repetition from afternoon. The fever did not come back at all and hence she did not visit in the evening. This was the first fever case of my practice.
“Choosing Homeopathic combinations or mother tinctures would have been an easy way out, but at what risk?
Your and your patient’s confidence in Homeopathic system of medicine is the price you pay.
Also loose the joy of experiencing wonders of Homeopathic cures.…”
Hindsight on a successful Homeopathic practice
When I reflect on these previous cases, they speak of what many of the new practitioners might experience. A lot of excitement with a tinge of nervousness to see the outcomes of the single medicine prescription. When one practices Homeopathy Hahnemannian way, it provides you with ever developing confidence in the core principles of Homeopathy.
These cases come as challenges and build you as a Classical Homeopath, who has witnessed the rapid action of Homeopathy from Day 1 of the clinical practice.
When people say Homeopathy is slow to act, or takes time, what do you say?
I usually give them a smile and an emphatic NO! Homeopathy is not slow, nor does it take time.
If you too have witnessed rapid action of Homeopathy as a doctor, practitioner, patient, relative, etc., I invite and request you to come ahead, share this post with #rapidactinghomeopathy. Let’s bust the myth, me hearties.
- The names of the patients have been changed to maintain their privacy.
- The data mentioned here have been extracted from the original health reports.
- No names of the medicines have been mentioned here to prevent misuse, as Homeopathy is an individual system of medicine, where a medicine for the health issue of a person may not apply to another person. Hence, a detailed Homeopathic assessment by a Qualified Homeopath is recommended.
Hey! You are almost there to consult Dr. Twara.
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