case review
Case Review
Case Review improves the patient outcomes of such cases wherein progress stops after initial improvement. Or the cases that do not respond to the well chosen medicine. Even those which temporarily improve but do not reach the Cure. Having multi – systemic involvement making difficult to assess the Direction of Cure. Cases which keep on recurring in spite of your best treatment and you are unable to put your finger on Why!
Current scenarios where in the healthcare is flooded with innumerable options. Patients are drugged with many medicinal systems and various therapeutic modalities. Many a times even with multiple Homeopathic remedies or Homeopathic combinations. Emphasises the need of and makes Case Review an essential aid in physicians’ kit for treating patients.
We offer this essential aid from our experience of successfully treating variety of such complex cases. Putting a case up for review provides the practitioner a much needed possible perspective. The whole understanding and outlook of the case changes from this step. Also the Homeopath learns to develop the improved approach to reach such a perspective over time.
Case Review provides you an opportunity of learning effective case analysis and developing strategies when faced with bumps and blocks while treating your patient. These learnings assists you to improve the patient outcomes and increase your success rate even in other cases.
As a physician, at the end of the day it’s not how many patients we see. But the number we cure and improve lives matters us the most.
Hey! You are almost there to start improving your patient outcomes.
Please take a good look at this picture below.

Case Review of HomeopathyOne,
assists you in decoding and perceiving the oneness amongst the various angles.
Your Actions and Efforts
Our Experiential Aid
Improved Patient Outcomes
Case review is mostly focused for the Homeopathic practitioner. Certain cases improve wonderfully and then the progress halts. It seems as if the case is stuck and not moving forward. In order to reach a cure you need to overcome this obstacle. Case review offers this opportunity. Learning, how to manage cases that are not responding to the well-chosen prescriptions. The practitioner connects to their cases with more understanding. And develops ability to perceive whether they are heading in the proper direction.

Enlightenment is not just one state,
it is the Crux of Existence itself.
There are many variations of Homeopathy, today. Most of them have suffered alteration in some form or other, by injected humour, by faulty perception or randomised words which aren’t even slightly relatable to the source.
We take you to the Roots of Hahnemannian Homeopathy and their precise understanding. Applying them in mathematical accuracy to the cases is bound to awaken you to the new horizon of healthcare outcomes, never witnessed before.
Want to discuss with a competent Homeopath? Book an Appointment in 3 easy steps
Hey! You are almost there to start improving your patient outcomes.
Case Review
Case Review
One of the quality of being a conscientious physician, as stated by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, is the ability to seek timely assistance for the benefit of your patient. Case Review is for Homeopathic physician or practitioner and helps their cases, to unblock and gain momentum in their process of healing.
When progress in a case stagnates due to known or unknown factors.
While facing obstacles which halts the process of cure in a case.
When the treatment provides temporary relief and the problems recur or change form.
Possibly, there are major improvements but unable to reach cure.
As a Homeopath it is your duty, towards your patient, to timely identify such issues. And seek help for your patient on their behalf.
To be noted
Being fellow colleagues we offer this help for your patient in the form of our time, knowledge and experience. We spend time with you doing In depth case discussion and analysis. Providing our perspective on the case to help you move the case forward towards cure.
While we gently guide and applaud you for your efforts and achievements. You learn to accurately perceive and apply Hahnemannian principles to your own cases and follow ups by questioning. These improves your patient outcomes, while your learnings allow you to apply them by yourself in future cases.
We do not ask for any patient identity related information, disclosure of the same is at your discretion.
Some Common Questions Answered
A case review session is one where we (you and us) reassess and re-evaluate the case to help it reach the cure it deserves. It is like taking a second opinion for your patient, and learning how and why of it.
We work with you on your case for your patient’s improvement and guide you in improving your patient outcomes.
- When progress in a case stagnates due to known or unknown factors.
- While facing obstacles to cure in a case.
- When the treatment provides temporary relief but the problems recur or change form.
- When there are major improvements but unable to reach cure.
- When the well chosen medicine does not give effective results or cure.
Only a Homeopathic Practitioner can book a case review appointment as per their requirement for insights on their cases.
If you are an individual under the care of a Homeopath and think that your case isn’t improving, you can request your practitioner to book a session with us and you can share your concerns beforehand. Or you can book an initial consultation with us while sharing your medical and homeopathic records.
We want you and your patient both to have better outcomes from Homeopathy.
Over the years we are receiving cases which have improved but not completely cured. These has allowed us to see the lacuna between Homeopathic practice and effective outcomes. Having an objective analysis from a competent Homeopath allows the case to progress positively towards cure. At the same time guides the practitioner on how to proceed further, from where the case has reached or stuck.
Once you book a case review session, you have to upload all the case records of that case. These records are reviewed before the session and also kept handy during the session. This allows both of us to try and see the possibilities and obstacles in the application. We share our insight and you can share yours. Through this discussion, we are able to figure out the probable steps for progressing the improvement further in a given case.
- We focus on the practical application of Homeopathy in the Hahnemannian way.
- We keep it simple yet clear in assessment and application.
- We help you to form a precise understanding to get Effective outcomes in seemingly difficult cases.
- We discuss the finer details hidden within, which no one talks of.
We are here to remind you, prod you and push you toward being the Best Hahnemannian Homeopath you can be.
If your case is less than six months old, you can choose 60 minutes Case Review / Re-evaluate – 60 minutes.
In most scenarios, the Cases that come for Review have been under treatment for more than Six to 12 months. In these cases, you will need Case Review / Re-evaluate – 120 minutes.
We recommend sharing the documents at the time of booking so that we too can go through them before our review appointment. This way we both can focus on the important aspects during our review appointment and have sufficient time for Discussion to address the matter at hand.
We do not ask for any patient identity related information, disclosure of the same is at your discretion.
No, there are no hidden charges. It is session based and straightforward.
We are offering you something very basic, yet powerful.
It’s an opportunity of improving and learning, by sharing; discussing; and sticking to the very basic principles of Hahnemannian Homeopathy to deliver the best outcomes in every case.
Eager to be better
we're here for you
- Phone: +91 730 365 7000
- Email:
All the services mentioned above guide the Homeopathic practitioner with any questions that they may have in their practice. Any suggestions should be cross checked with basic sources of knowledge on the fundamental laws of Homeopathy. The full responsibility of the consent lies with the concerned Homeopathic practitioner.