Holism is a cherished value in care delivery at HomeopathyOne.

Oh! what an epiphany

Surprised eh, this thought process is the basic fallacy, that many are struggling with. It states that your disease is something different from you. 

The origin of this separatism can be traced back to Sydenham (1624-1689) who considered disease as a definite clinical entity grafted on the host which needs to be eliminated from the host. Thus, there was a shift in the cause of disease from Intrinsic factors (inner-within) to the extrinsic factors (outside).

This gave your disease an identity of its own as if, it can exist without you or outside your body too. As if it is separate from you.

And if that is a true perspective, even your health should be separate from you.

Isn’t it?
But is it?
Is it separate from you?

Health and sickness are but two sides, belonging to the same coin (You). So how can they be separated from the coin (you).

Can you separate it and look at it?
Can you?
I Question you, can you?

No you cannot, in fact anybody cannot. You can only compare them, measure them, experience them.

Health and disease are relative terminologies. They relate to a state (constantly changing and is not definite/fixed) which has certain points of reference. Isn’t it?

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) pointed out in unmistakable terms that, what we call disease is not a fixed entity but an ever-changing process like that of life itself.

Which also implies that disease is an altered state that you experience through your symptomsIsn’t it?

Homeopathy is a progressive and aggressive step in medicine.

John D Rockefeller


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